Thursday, November 28, 2019
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Introduction The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is a refugee agency (under the umbrella of the United Nations) that has a mandate of protecting and supporting refugees from a third country as requested by a government that is a member state of the UN.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The agency focuses on providing voluntary assistance, resettlement and integration of displaced persons from a third country. It does this through funds obtained from donors and other arms of the United Nations. It is therefore imperative to note that the agency deploys its operatives to areas depending on the need and priority given to the places. Failure Despite the fact that UNHCR has in the recent past executed its duty in the best interest of all the refugees across the globe, the agency faces some setbacks and failures that need to be addressed with immediate effect. This should be done in order to restore the faith the globe has had on it. Additionally, the agency should assure governments of its effectiveness in its mandate in order to secure its operations within their territories (Burger, and Rahm, 1996).à The UNHCR has been doing a commendable job for refugees since it was founded in December 1949 but has, however, failed to provide services to areas according to priorities and need. A November 2010 research carried out by the Policy Development and Evaluation Department, which is a UNHCRââ¬â¢s branch, revealed that the agencyââ¬â¢s global strategic priorities are not in a position to give concrete information concerning resource allocation processes as well as the level of prioritization of a subject. This came about despite the strategic priorities being a useful element in the agencyââ¬â¢s checklist of involvements. This is an implication that the agency only provides services accor ding to operativesââ¬â¢ own instincts without evaluating and assessing the levels of prioritization. As a result of this, quite a number of nations that need genuine and urgent assistance from UNHCR end up receiving delayed services or no services at all. A good example is the case of Iraqi refugees who needed urgent and genuine help during a war that lasted for almost a decade. The political situation was unstable at that time in Iraq.Advertising Looking for case study on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More That was understandable but not a reason enough for UNHCR not to provide immediate shelter, clothing and other necessities to the refugees who were victims of the war. It is therefore important that the agency formulates measures to curb such an occurrence in future (Burger, and Rahm, 1996). How the organizationââ¬â¢s culture has led to the failure The Executive Committee of the UNHCR holds an annual meeting in Geneva in Switzerland where member states review and approve reports and recommendations brought forward for implementation. Additionally, the panel also evaluates operational plans and policies as well as discusses finances during this annual meeting. This is the most outstanding culture that derails the process of service provision to refugees across the globe according to priority.à It is championed by the slow provision and review of reports that ultimately lead to delayed execution of recommendations that need urgent attention (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and United Nations, 2010). Concerns have been raised in the agency over the slow pace at which reports are reviewed. This is because it gives member states inadequate time to go through the documents and make conclusive recommendations. It is probably the reason why it takes the agency quite some time to act upon being summoned by a member state to intervene in an issue that concerns refu gees. Laws that describe the situation The 1951 Refugee Convention contained a law in its Article 33 that stated that no refugee should be returned to his or her country of territory where they would be perceptible to prosecution. This is an indication that no government is expected to expel refugees from its territories back to their motherland where their freedom would be jeopardized on account of either race, nationality, political ideology, religion or membership of a social group. As a result, governments are obliged by law to house refugees within their territories for as long as they want to stay. That notwithstanding, governments are also required to communicate the presence of refugees to UNHCR (Zimmermann, 2010). Existing elements of the organization that are most likely to cause a similar failure again in future Even though UNHCR works well with other related agencies to effectuate service delivery to refugees, a lot still needs to be done in relation to partnerships. Par tnership behavior in this agency is an existing element that is most likely to derail the process of providing immediate services to refugees and consequently taint the agencyââ¬â¢s reputation as far as its mandate is concerned.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Concerns have since been raised in relation to the promptness of the partnerships between UNHCR and other agencies that seek to provide voluntary services to refugees. This must therefore be addressed if the agency wants to assure member states of its commitment to executing its mandate. Recommendations to avert future failures As a way of hastening the process through which reports are reviewed and recommendations implemented, UNHCRââ¬â¢s Executive Committee should consider rescheduling its meetings to at least two per annum. It is through this that the committee wil l be in a position to give immediate responses to matters concerning refugees across the globe. References Burger, L., Rahm, D. L. (1996). United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: Making a difference in our world. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Co. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees., United Nations. (2010). Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. New York: United Nations. Zimmermann, A. (2010). The 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol: A commentary. Oxford: Oxford University Press. This case study on United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees was written and submitted by user Brenna Rosario to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Dante on Islam essays
Dante on Islam essays Divine Retribution ( in Italian contrapasso) is clearly shown in canto 28 by showing the punishment of the sowers of schism and scandal in the 9th bolgia of circle 8. To begin this canto, Dante talks of the many wars in Puglia (southeastern Italy) and across the peninsula which have been known as the bloodiest. He does this to show that this 9th bolgia is far bloodier than these, and beyond description. Those in this bolgia are punished by having to walk a track where they are cut open and slashed, but their wounds heal only to be cut again. The father of the worldwide religion of Islam, Mahomet, is placed here, along with his follower, Ali. To illustrate the severity of the punishments to which these people are under, Dante uses the idea of blood and bones with decaying flesh. He states that the extent is incomprehensible, and cannot be captured by words, yet he says that if the bones and blood of the many wars that have plagued the peninsula of Italy could be piled up, they would not compare to the sight of the 9th bolgia. The punishment is extremely grotesque and demeaning as shown by the description of Mahomet as being ripped open from his chin to where we fart. Between his legs his guts spilled out, with the heart and other vital parts, and the dirty sack that turns to *censored* whatever the mouth gulps down. The disgust that accompanies this description must be intended and it is no coincidence that is the father of the nation of Islam. With Mahomet and Ali are others which can be classified as being sowers of scandal as opposed to schism in the religious sense. They are the causes of wars, troubles, and many persons discord and death. Some have their throats slits, others cut beyond recognition, and others have their arms chopped off. Bertran de Born, who counciled the young prince Henry to revolt against his father, King Henry II of England, is among those. With the young princes death ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Procrastination and how to overcome it Research Paper
Procrastination and how to overcome it - Research Paper Example In this regard, the objective of this essay is to proffer relevant issues pertaining to procrastination, as the problem that needs to be resolved. The discourse would initially describe procrastination; what information should be gathered to help one solve it and where the information may be obtained. A description of the process to be used to evaluate the needed information and issues that will be considered in the evaluation (such as perspective and validity) would be determined. Finally, how the information will be used to resolve the problem and alternative areas of consideration would be evaluated prior to arriving at an appropriate solution. Different studies present varying models of a typical decision-making process depending on their perspectives. Some models follow eight steps, others five. For purposes of making intuitive choices, one structurally follows six steps in decision making. The six steps of this natural, intuitive decision-making process, according to Ethics Resource Center (2009) are: ââ¬Å"Step 1: Define the problem; Step 2: Identify available alternative solutions to the problem; Step 3: Evaluate the identified alternatives; Step 4: Make the decision; Step 5: Implement the Decision; and Step 6: Evaluate the decisionâ⬠. According to Procrastination Pro (2010), par. 12), a more comprehensive definition of procrastination is ââ¬Å"a chronic habità (caused primarily by fear or discomfort) of illegitimately justifying to oneself that a task does not, should not, or cannot be started nowâ⬠. Procrastination would tend to cause stress, depression, lack of motivation, among others (Procrastination Pro, 2010). Knowing that it is a chronic habit, Carter, Bishop & Kravits (2007) averred that once the area of dilemma has been defined, the next step would be to gather relevant information to assist in addressing the problem. There are vast sources of information where solving procrastination can be
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
How is cell phone affectin our daily life Research Paper
How is cell phone affectin our daily life - Research Paper Example The overall effects and contribution of cell phones, taking the benefits and hazards of daily life into consideration, helps to understand the impacts of cell phone in daily life. Introduction The advent of cell phones has revolutionized our daily livelihood. Cell phone has become an integral part of our daily life and is one of the basic needs of the life. In every step of our daily life starting from eating, talking, working and sleeping, cell phone is involved in numerous functions that we undertake. It has become next to impossible to imagine about our lives without the use of cell phone. This could be evidenced from the fact that if our cell phone is damaged or lost, we do not wait or think twice but immediately take actions of either buying a new one or repairing it as soon as possible. The availability of cell phones in the market is also has been an area of achievement by the manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers. A wide range of cell phones are available in the market in terms of quality, style and price. Even high quality and branded cell phones are available in the market at affordable cost. The marketing channels used by the sellers are also of a wide range that varies from multiple shopping channels, electronic channels, etc. The cells phone are electronic gadgets that offer multiple benefits on different situational circumstances to the user. Apart from the communication aspect of cell phones, cell phones are used for the purpose of entertainment, watching and listening to videos, music, songs, etc. Apart from this, cell phones serve as life saving instruments for the user in order to rescue themselves under dire circumstances. Cell phones have the passive attitudes of life into aspects of talking initiative. Rather than waiting for an event to happen or information to be retrieved, cell phones allow the user to take the initiative of reaching to the happening place of the event or to acquire the desired information. Apart from the benefits, ce ll phones also affect our daily lives through environmental and health hazards (Katz, 23). The launch of new mobile phone with upgraded technology draws many users who scrap their old devices and buy a new cell phone. Thus the debris of cell phone is piled up in the society. The toxic metals like cadmium, lead, nickel, mercury, manganese, lithium, zinc, arsenic, antimony and copper and other heavy metals present in the cell phones add to the environmental wastes and cause pollution. The health hazards that are caused by the cell phones include cell phone elbow, malignant gliomas, acoustic neuromas, heart ailments, etc. Research Problem The research problem defined for this research is, ââ¬Å"How is cell phone affecting our daily life?â⬠The research problem has been designed to explain the positive and negative impacts of cell phone in our daily life along wit the changes that have been brought about by its usage. Literature review The communication channels of the world have developed through ages. The technologies have produced its fruits which have revolutionized the ways of leading life. The ways of communication are, however, classified as passive and active. The passive ways of communication is not under the control of the user. The user has to wait for initiation of the communication or has to wait for the information for a particular period of time. The
Monday, November 18, 2019
Movie comment Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
Comment - Movie Review Example The film was revealing both racially and regarding gender roles. The film considered not only how a liberal white couple would potentially judge a black son-in law; but how his family might react, how other whites and blacks might react. The question did not concern conflict, it concerned the future problems a mixed race couple might face in 1967. It is reasonable to review this potential problem today, much less 40 years ago. The women in the movie influenced the men, perhaps manipulated them, as a diplomatic back channel. Although the men tried to rationalize their positions, they argued emotionally, including name calling. Although the women felt the hearts should decide, they discussed the situation calmly. These scenarios reveal the real power structure in these homes. Tillieââ¬â¢s outburst assumed John was making a black power statement by marrying a white girl. She was protecting Joey, and commenting generally on the black male persona. The parents concerns symbolized the à ¢â¬Å"special problemsâ⬠the couple would face. If the parents could not accept the relationship, how would the rest of the world? These moments and questions were revealing, not phony.
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Ethics Surrounding Nuclear Energy Politics Essay
The Ethics Surrounding Nuclear Energy Politics Essay Electricity plays an increasingly important role in our everyday lives. Heating our homes, powering our electronics, and keeping our cities running requires a tremendous amount of electricity. The United States rising demand in electricity paired with their stringent environmental standards have put energy generation efforts in a tight spot. Coal and natural gas energy generation accounted for nearly sixty-eight percent of all electrical transmission in 2012. In contrast, only nineteen percent came from nuclear sources down a third of a percent from 2011 ( I will prove that nuclear generation is a safe, clean, and efficient source of energy with the ethical theories of Kant, Rawls, and Act Utilitarianism and back it up with credible data. A little background is needed on the subject to fully understand the situation. In 1789, Martin Klaproth discovered the element Uranium, lighting the path towards nuclear generation. For 150 years there was no news on the front of nuclear generation. In 1939, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman demonstrated that nuclear fission would give off incredible amounts of energy. In the future, it will be shown that this energy could be used in great or terrible ways. By 1941, the MAUD Committee, comprised of a group of respected scientists, published two important summaries. They were titled: Use of Uranium as a Source of Power and Use of Uranium for a Bomb ( At the time, a stronger focus was put on the second due to the World War II efforts around the world. In America, interest in the second paper and the creation of the Manhattan Project took place after the events at Pearl Harbor. The Manhattan Project was a government funded project in which scientists took on the task of enrich Uranium into the isotope U-235. In addition to the uses it has for war, it was noted that the isotope could also be used in peaceful ways. In August of 1945, the efforts of the Manhattan Project finally came to fruition. A nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. With World War II effectively over, attention was now directed on the first paper published by the MAUD Committee, Use of Uranium as a Power Source. Utilizing the efforts of the Manhattan Project, America would have a head start developing a process of using the heat created by nuclear fission as a source of power. By 1951, the first prototype of a nuclear reactor was revealed ( Although this prototype only produced a small amount of electricity, it demonstrated the potential that was there. In 1953, Eisenhower backed this work with his Atoms for Peace program. This program rerouted funding from nuclear weapons to nuclear power ( Once into the 1960s, the technology was ready to be used commercially. Some of the nuclear reactors designed by General Electric and Westinghouse were in use until the 1990s ( The United States has had a constant sixteen to nineteen percent of electrical generation due to nuclear sources since then. During this time, there has been less of an interest in expanding and building new nuclear power plants. Even though there has been improvements made to the design of power plants, there has been no new demand to expand upon the already in place infrastructure. China has overtaken the United States in nuclear energy with plans to expand its nuclear output six times what it is by 2020 ( There are other places around the world investing in nuclear energy, including India, Japan, and South Korea. The question we have to ask ourselves is when the subject of nuclear energy comes up is: Can the research and development of nuclear energy sources be done while maintain an upholding the safety of the people around them? If not, is it then ethically correct to continue even with all the energy it breaks to the numerous communities? I will answer these questions and back it up with the data I have found. I first decided to run these questions through Kants ethical theory. When using the formula of the universal law of nature a generalized maxim can be made: One shall utilize and develop for an energy source if, and only if, it does not harm the people in the surrounding area and it is beneficial to the nation. To defend this maxim, one would have to know how a nuclear power plant affects the area it is utilized. In terms of Act Utilitarianism, nuclear power generation would have to have a greater net benefit to be considered ethical. To determine this, we must first analyze the reliability and safety of nuclear energy. Reliable and safe energy is in high demand nowadays and recently much attention has been put on the environmentally friendliness of the generation of this energy. CO2, or carbon dioxide, emissions have become known as a highly recognized contributor to global warming and have help put the spotlight on safe energy generation. There have only been few noteworthy disasters throughout nuclear powers history. Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, and Fukushima are some of these noteworthy disasters. When mishandled, nuclear power can be incredibly dangerous. In an article written by Head and Hall, compares the risk of radioactive waste or a critical failure of a plant to that of getting struck by lightning. With arduous industry regulation the chance of these failures happening is insignificant. Since the industry is relatively new, it has been more heavily regulated with every failure that occurs. During the Three Mile Island critical failure of 1974, an irregular amount of radioactive gas was released. The generating unit was also effectively destroyed. Contrary to what most people thought, there were no deaths, injuries, or adverse health effects cause by the failure ( Although this failure resulted in no adverse effects, it did put pressure on nuclear power in the United States. It is important to analyze the impact on the environment from the CO2 emissions due to nuclear power generation. In 2011, there were nearly 2.3 million-thousand metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions due to electrical generation plants ( For every kilowatt hour of electricity produced, there were 9 to 21 grams of carbon dioxide emissions ( There are no emissions that come directly from the nuclear plants or reactors, but from indirect sources such as the mining and transportation of Uranium. Emissions created by nuclear power generation are equal to between 1 and 3 percent of the emissions produced by typical coal burning plants. As you can see, it is much cleaner, in that sense, than the forms of power generation we currently rely on. As clean as nuclear power is in terms of emissions, it does encounter some problems when it comes to waste. The treatment and disposal of nuclear waste is another reason why nuclear power has not been fully accepted in the United States. Inaccurate information about nuclear waste is spread by non-governmental organizations, claims Poletti, a professor and power engineer. All cycles in a nuclear fuel life cycle produce radioactive nuclear waste according to the World Nuclear Association, but can be appropriately and safely dealt with if done correctly. There are three types of radioactive waste in a nuclear life cycle: low, intermediate, and high level waste. All forms of waste can be handled with ease, with the exception of high level waste. This type of waste is harder to take care of and requires a great deal of care since it contains used fuel and the other waste products separated from the fuel. To take care of this waste, it is first stored in a reinforced concrete and steel str ucture. These are then placed in a cooling pond. After staying there for five years it is then transported to a multiple barrier geological disposal ( One of these sites is typically located in a hollowed out mountain-like structure. These regulations show that waste from all nuclear power plants can be taken care of in a safe manner with little to no risk to the general public and environment. Nuclear waste also accounts for less than one percent of total industrial toxic waste ( By analyzing this data, we have found that some aspects of each ethical theory can be satisfied. The other factor we have to consider is if the development of nuclear power facilities should be prioritized over traditional sources of energy generation. Nuclear power was responsible for almost ten percent of the United States total electrical capacity (Existing Capacity by Energy Source, 2011). The supply of electricity generated by nuclear power plants accounted for nearly twenty percent of the total electrical supply (Where Does US Electricity Come From?). The difference here is that for all the energy used, twenty percent of it came from nuclear sources while only ten percent of our potential capacity of electricity is in nuclear form. The reason for this is that nuclear fission is a continuous process. Once begun, it must continue and can be a source of energy that can constantly be drawn from. Seventy percent of our energy capacity is in the form of coal and natural gas. Of that seventy percent, sixty-five percent of it is used. To generate that much power it takes a total of 6,925 coal and natural gas generation units. For nuclear energy source to generate twenty percent of our consumed energy, it takes 104 units. If nuclear energy were to generate as much as coal and natural gas combined, it would take a total of 338 nuclear generation units. It takes far less nuclear plants and reactors to generate the same amount of energy, with a fraction of the emissions (world-nuclear). Many of the nuclear reactors were built in the 1960s and 70s. At this time, many of the generators were generating 250 megawatts. During this time many of the nuclear reactors began to brown out, or improve their technology and efficiency while retiring more units than you are producing. The increase in efficiency can be seen across Asia and Europe. Both Japan and France began replacing many of their nuclear reactors in the early 2000s, with new ones as large as 1,650 megawatts ( In the last 50 years, the output of nuclear reactors has increased by nearly 7 times. Many of the reactors in the United States have not been improved upon and continue to operate with a lower output than they should be. The Energy Policy Act, enacted in 2005, presented incentives to the industry for building next-generation nuclear reactors. The technology for nuclear reactors and plants has been advancing ever since it was created. Due to upgrades in technology and a growing demand for energy in the 1980s, the load capacity and output grew tremendously. This can be seen even into today. Research is constantly being done to improve upon this technology. Alternatives to uranium are being researched, a second burning technique to get rid of the nuclear waste is being researched, and much more. An example of this can be seen with Thorium research ( I personally believe that the United States should invest more into the development of more nuclear reactors and plants. There is an ample amount of data supporting this claim. It is very safe for the environment and the people surrounding the plant and it is also more efficient and eco-friendly than our current alternatives. The question I ask is: Can the research and development of nuclear energy sources be done while maintain an upholding the safety of the people around them? If not, is it then ethically correct to continue even with all the energy it breaks to the numerous communities? I choose to use the ethical theories of Kant and Act Utilitarianism to help answer these questions. When using Kants theory, like I stated above, I created the maxim: One shall utilize and develop for an energy source if, and only if, it does not harm the people in the surrounding area and it is beneficial to the nation. Defending this maxim is fairly easy. As we found out above, nuclear energy is far less harmful to the Earth and people in the surrounding area since it has much lower CO2 emissions and its waste can be stored in such a way that does no harm. After knowing this information, it is easy to see that one would want to research, develop, and utilize for nuclear energy since it defends the maxim. When using Kants Formula of Humanity, I believe it is fairly easy to defend as well. The Formula of Humanity states that when deciding on whether or not to commit an action that you shall only commit that action if you use people as an ends and not as means to your end. When it comes to this, I assume that the end is getting the energy from the nuclear plants to the nation. In the end, the people are the ones benefitting, and are not being used to achieve your goal. Using Act Utilitarianism, a similar result is produced. We can split each consequence of developing and utilizing nuclear power into the two categories of hedons and miserons. Hedons being for the development and utilization and miserons being against it. For the hedons category, a simple list can be shown: cleaner energy for the nation, more efficient production of energy, minimal harm to the environment, creates jobs for surrounding area, causes less harm to atmosphere than other sources of energy. The miserons category would contain the following: possible failure of nuclear reactor causing harmful material to be spread around surrounding area, creates CO2 emissions. Since the chance of a nuclear reactor failing is fairly minimal and the fact the CO2 emissions caused by nuclear power generation are miniscule compared to the other source of energy generation, I conclude that the development and utilization of nuclear power generation would be the correct action to take. We can see that both theories come to the same conclusion, quite handedly. All the data points to this conclusion as well. I believe that with the outcome of both of these theories that my statement regarding the morality is correct. The development, research, and utilization of nuclear energy sources should be done.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Essays --
CONTENT Bil Topic Page 1. Introduction 2 2. The Technology Application 3 3. Data Communication Concept 4 4. Technology Capabilities 5 5. Example 6 6. Advantages and Disadvantages 7 7. Conclusion 8 8. References 9 Introduction Metro E is also know as Metropolitan-area Ethernet, Ethernet MAN or metro Ethernet. It is a network that use in the metropolitan area and it is based on the Ethernet standards. This services is commonly used to connect user or network to a larger service or the internet. The user that own a business can use this system to connect they office to one and another. The user commonly use this system because it is cheaper than SONET/SDH(Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) or PDH (Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy) that have an interface of the same bandwidth. SONET/SDH is known as a standard protocol that transfer a multiple digital bit streams over optical fibre using a laser or highly coherent light. PDH is a technology use in telecommunication network to transport a large quantity of that also use optical fibre and also microwave radio system. The Technology Application Metro E is commonly use in metropolitan city. It being use for businessman to connect their office to one and another. Many Ethernet services allow the user to network their business in ways that either more complex or impossible with the alternative services. As an example , a single Ethernet service interface can connect multiple enterprise location for their Intranet VPNs , connect business partner or suppliers via Extranet VPNs and provide a high speed Internet connection to an Internet Service Provider. When use this Ethernet subscribe, user will be able to add or change bandwidth using the other access network service within... ... commonly use for the large business. It is use to connect the business people with other branch, connect business people with their customer. It is use widely in overseas for their business. The Metro E that can transmit large data that make it being use for large company. It will transmit large data in a less amount of time. It will less the time for the company to develop and the business will have the benefits as the amount to buy it is less. Metro E is a easy application as it is wireless and can carry everywhere at anytime. It also can be use to use that just connect to each other. References
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